Based in South Korea, Samsung is a technology and innovation company that has been blazing a trail in the cryptocurrency market for a few years now.
That's because Samsung already has a cryptocurrency and Bitcoin wallet for its customers and allows them to even buy NFTs using their Smart TVs. In other words, the brand has already positioned itself in the market and now promises even more news for its customers.
Samsung Latin America opens space in cryptocurrency metaverse
Samsung Electronics opened this Saturday (1), the House of SAM inside Decentraland with an exclusive show by the Brazilian trio Melim.
This is the second initiative of the brand in the metaverse , since in August, Samsung also launched the island Smart City, in the game Fortnite.
The House of SAM will be a place for users to experience the true Samsung brand experience. SAM , Samsung's digital expert and a constant presence on the company's social media, will present its limitless home for the first time.
According to Arthur Wong, Marketing Director for Samsung Latin America, this is an opportunity for the brand to interact with its customers.
“Our customers will be able to interact with each other, participate in exclusive shows, courses and events that we will offer for free at Decentraland, one of the most democratic and open spaces in Metaverso. Our goal is to be ever closer to Gen Z, our younger consumers who no longer draw boundaries between what is physical and what is virtual.”
To access the decentraland metaverse
To access the House of Sam space , just access the metaverse website and, if you don't have a user, just enter as a guest.
Visitors will also have access to exclusive mini games. In the Color Match game, it will be possible to follow a sequence of colors that appear on the Family Hub refrigerator, in order to match what is displayed on BeSpoke devices.
In the Let's Dance Challenge, visitors will be invited to dance to pop songs following the choreography and whoever hits the moves at the right time earns more points.