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NFT Influencer Hacked For $1 Million Of NFTs
Another Twitter NFT influencer has claimed to be the victim of an OpenSea hack – yet some people have doubts about the story.
Ankita K.
8:31 29th Sep, 2022

Accordingly, the collector lost several Doodles, Bored Apes, and other blue-chip NFTs, totalling over $1 million. However, the NFT community does not feel sorry for the influencer at all – and here’s why.

Twitter NFT influencer and BAYC collector @jfx is the latest victim of hacking. The collector shared the news via social media along with a screenshot of his stolen NFTs. In a screenshot of his phone, we can see two Doodles, one MAYC, and one BAYC; – however, there may be more stolen digital assets.

Yet, while some community members felt sorry for him, others called the incident “karma”. Here’s an example:

Surprisingly, the above reply from fellow collector @zachxbt received almost 10k likes. According to him, the hacked NFT collector has in the past scammed users by the use of social media tactics – particularly via Instagram. Other users echoed this, and even accused @jfx of stealing from other community members.

“Well you’ve been stealing from people for a good time, so here is your karma,” user @Hallalluja wrote.

Regardless of the truth, one thing is certain: NFT scams are on the rise. In fact, multiple collectors have been complaining about falling victim to scams on the OpenSea platform itself.


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