The Company’s Web3 Wallet is the first multi-chain product where Solana, Ethereum, and Algorand networks meet the world of Web3.
“Exodus unlocks the full potential of Algorand with our new, browser-based Web3 Wallet,” said JP Richardson, CEO and co-founder of Exodus. “We created a seamless experience for people to enjoy advanced features of the Algorand blockchain. You can use Exodus to collect and view Algorand NFTs and effortlessly participate in DeFi.”
Support for other major DeFi chains within the Web3 Wallet, including Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche is expected later this year.
“Exodus provides the easiest to use, most beautifully designed Algorand wallet available,” said JP Richardson. “We are early adopters and advocates of Algorand’s speed and efficiency and were among the first to leverage digital securities on Algorand. We represent our publicly traded Exodus shares with tokens on the Algorand blockchain.”
“We are proud to expand Algorand support across our platform and look forward to growing with the Algorand community.”